End of Year Exams 2023 - Years 7-10, 12

End of Year Exams for Years 7-10 and 12 will take place between Tuesday 6th June and Wednesday 21st June 2023.

Years 7-9 exams will be sat in classrooms; Year 10 and 12 exams will be sat in the Main Hall.

Students must attend all examinations on the dates and times set. We start promptly at 8.25am every day.  A reminder that if students are late to school two or more times in a week, they will receive a 1-day isolation referral. Please encourage them to be on time daily.

Important Information

We want these to replicate the real exams as much as possible so there are certain rules that students MUST adhere to:

  • No mobile phones – these are officially not allowed in the exam hall. Students must ensure that they are off (not on silent).
  • They are only allowed Clear plastic pencil cases/document wallets
  • Equipment – Black pens only, pack of 4 highlighters, pencil, ruler, eraser and maths set including a compass and protractor, scientific calculator. We will not be providing them with any equipment.
  • Be on time – they should be in school every day from 8.25am


Information for Parents and Carers

  • Due to the length of some exams – particularly for those students who have extra time – please be aware that for afternoon exams, students may finish between 3.30pm-4.00pm approximately. 
  • Please do not phone your child before 4.00pm/wait for them to call you after they have left school because if their phone is heard during an exam, it will be confiscated.
  • Please encourage your child to speak to their teachers about topics they should be revising and when their exams will be so that you can support them in revising at home. Thank you in advance for your continued efforts.  


If you have any further queries, please email the Exams Officer, Ms. Katie Burgess at k.burgess@baconscollege.co.uk and she will be able to make alternative arrangements for you to receive your results.

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