Need more help?
If you are having difficulty accessing the app, first check that the email address you are using to log in, matches what is held with the school office.
As mentioned above, email us at so that we can assist you.
If however, your details are correct and you are still not able to access the Arbor App, here are some steps to take:
If you have more than one child, make sure you are entering the date of birth of your eldest child to access the app for the first time.
Only relatives who are primary guardians of a child can access the app. You can ask the school office to confirm if you are listed as Primary guardian. Primary Guardians are the person/s who have parental responsibility for the student.
Make sure you are accessing the app on a phone; the app will not function on a tablet.
If however none of the above steps results in you successfully logging in to the App, please contact the school. Please do not contact Arbor directly.