Requesting student absence/holidays during term time
We do not advise that students take any time off during term time unless absolutely necessary.
However, if it is absolutely essential, we ask that you complete the below absence request form. Forms are expected to be recieved at least 2 week in advance of the date of absence.
Absence Request Form
Retrospective approval will not be given. It is important to stress that, by law, it is the Principal’s decision whether a child is given permission to be off school. Permission will only be granted in very exceptional circumstances based on the individual facts of the case. The opportunity to save money by going on holiday during term time is not considered as being a justifiable reason.
If permission is granted it is for the Principal to determine the number of days a student can be away from school.
Please note: permission is unlikely to be granted to students where a student's attendance is less than 96% or when they will miss an important event such as a public examination or where there are concerns about the student’s work or behaviour.
Any leave of absence taken without the Principal’s approval will be deemed unauthorised and may result in a penalty notice.