Charity & Volunteering at Bacon's College

“Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.”

John 13:34-35 

Compassion is one of Bacon's College values, our students follow Christ’s example by giving generously to those in need, placing others before themselves, supporting each other and loving their neighbours.

Students are invited to participate in and contribute to a number of fundraising and charity intiatives each year which are coordinated by our College Chaplain and the Student Leadership team.

Advent Appeal in aid of the Jesuit Refugee Service

As part of their annual Advent Appeal, students and staff from Bacon’s College Sixth Form did a sponsored walk around London on 13th December to raise awareness of the plight of refugees and raise money for the Jesuit refugee Service.

Starting at Southwark Cathedral, the group from the College were accompanied by former refugees and made a series of stops at various locations of significance to the plight of refugees and migrants in London. The stops included the Kindertransport – The Arrival statue at Liverpool Street station, and Brick Lane Jamme Masjid, which was once a Huguenot place of worship. Each stop will be an opportunity to hear about the experiences of the refugees accompanying the group. 

Throughout December, students at Bacon’s College also created Christmas gift parcels and hand made cards for refugees currently in detention centres. The Jesuit Refugee Service provides practical assistance to refugees arriving in the UK who have no access to government support whilst their claims are being processed. From help with food parcels, toiletries and shelter, to legal advice and communication with loved ones, JRS staff provide support to refugees in detention centres and also run a food bank and day centre near Tower Bridge.

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